Stationary Scanners

Newland EMEA’s stationary barcode scanners are versatile fixed-mount barcode scanners that can be implemented in any device for any industry.

FM3281 Grouper

Stationary Scanners

FM3281 Grouper

Stationary Scanners
První skener s pevnou montáží svého druhu s plnou funkčností NFC a designem vhodným pro venkovní použití.
1D & 2D
Mobile Reading
Visual Feedback
This image shows fixed-mount Newland EMEA scanner FM3281 perfect scanner for outdoor environments
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Stationary Scanners


Stationary Scanners
Jeho skenovací schopnosti dosahují a překračují globální standardy.
Dual Interface
This image shows high performance fixed CCD scan engine FM100
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FM3080 Hind

Stationary Scanners

FM3080 Hind

Stationary Scanners
Obzvláště vhodný pro integraci do turniketů na vstupenky.
1D & 2D
Mobile Reading
Visual Feedback
This is image of CPU-based barcode scanner FR3080 Hind
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Newland EMEA image of the cover of the brochure